Anylogic tutorials
Anylogic tutorials

anylogic tutorials

The first (June 22-26) will be covering more basic material in AnyLogic. Notice: We will be running two Agent-Based Modeling Bootcamps for Health Researchers in the summer of 2015. An increasing number the videos now online are short segments that demonstrate particular actions or skills. While this page and others like it structure the videos into curricula, the playlists involve topical grouping. Visitors interested in a far larger and more diverse set of relevant videos are encouraged to go to the many playlists available through my YouTube playlists, which contain a far larger set of material. The latest versions of my course on Agent-Based modeling and Hybrid dynamic modeling for health can be found at this course page (which features videos interlinked with exercises, slides, and AnyLogic 7 example models). The ABM Bootcamp for Health Researchers, etc.) These are drawn from multiple sessions of my courses (including but not limited to MIT 15.879, CMPT 858, CMPT 394, Agent-Based Modeling for Health Policy: Collected Videos, Audio and Slides and Example Models Agent-Based Modeling for Health Policy: Collected Videos, Audio and Slides and Example Models

Anylogic tutorials